寒假计划英语作文——《My Winter VacationPlan 》

【My Winter Vacation Plan】

上海龙凤shlf最新地址 On every winter vacation, I will write a wish list: list what I want todo most, and then put into effect one by one systematically. Now, I am lookingforward to the winter vacation of 2013, which will be a more substantial andhappy holiday.

上海龙凤shlf最新地址 On the winter vacation of Grade fourth, I am going to learn OlympicMaths by myself; to practise pen-writing well; to play international chesswell; to make many kinds of "Lego" robots, to continue to make somescientific experiments; to go traveling with my family; to appreciate tenEnglish films.

The three wishes of my wildest dreams are:

1. Go ice-skating at the South Lake, becauseI like the feeling as light as a swallow and treading on hot wheels, but Istill need to improve my speed skating skills.

上海龙凤shlf最新地址 2, Build a small "Snow House" with dad, it is a bigengineering oh! Which should be not only strong, but big enough, and be capableof being my secret hut! In the "Snow House", I can experience thefeeling of Eskimo.

上海龙凤shlf最新地址 3, In Spring Festival, make a "Combined bomb" withfirecrackers,and see whether it can explode the waste pillardownstairs to the sky. Of course, it is a bit dangerous, but I have got the preventionmeasures .

上海龙凤shlf最新地址 Some desires are hard to be achieved, but "Nothing is impossible toa willing heart!"










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